My First Impressions And Expectations
Hi everyone! My name is Gulchekhra and this is my blog. You can visit, leave your comments and share your opinions with everybody. So, my first impressions and expectations about IELTE was great. Before applying to the World Languages University I really wanted to enter IELTE group. I thought that it will be hard for me to study there, but if you learn the program of what you are studying and understand it, nothing can pull you out of there. Teachers are strict, but at the same time they are very nice to you. The atmosphere is better than in philology groups. You are free to speak up your opinions and there are many possibilities to make your future brighter. It may sound weird, but it is fact. Of course, it depends on a student. If you study hard to in order to improve your skills you are welcome to study next year. We have a very giant, strict policy: if you cheat, you may go out and forget about IELTE forever. Thus, students don’t make this incident happen. Thank you)))
Hi, dear Gulchexra! I totally aagree with u about our strict policy but u have forgoten that we have another one . It is about keeping English during the class and most important in the campus!