Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The features of my concentration

To create my study environment I start with searching for appropriate study place. Then I plan when to study, at which time, after that I try to think how to learn the material and concentrate on it. The problematic side of implementing this huge material is how to concentrate. When I’m going to concentrate, I attempt to not think about something else and empty my mental foregrounding. With this in mind, I try to find quiet place, turn off everything that will distract me and then focus on that material which was given as a task. Sometimes when I’m becoming lazy, with the help of something or someone I feel ashamed and try to pull myself back to the material. During the process I allow myself to take a break. If you work on the material all day long and don’t have a break, you’ll get tired and you won’t have much power to continue. Try to concentrate, do it step by step and, as a result you’ll concentrate more easily than before.


  1. Hi Gulchi. Thank you for your advice. I'll try to concentrate step by step. I thik it's really useful.

  2. Gucci, I really like your blog both style and advice. You know, I really respect you that you are able to think about another things while you are concentrating. Because sometimes it is difficult for me to stop my thoughts. The second one I learnt that working step by step is more useful than work fast and quickly. Thanks God that we have blogs and we can share our study abilities with the help of blog GOOD LUCKKKKKKKKKKKK
